Can we get the best of physical models and CNNs for geophysical flows?
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We've just posted online a new preprint co-authored with Olivier Pannekoucke on PDE-NetGen 1.0: from symbolic PDE representations of physical processes to trainable neural network representations. Arxiv / Associated code
New animations available online: animation #1 and animation #2 for deep learning solutions for the reconstruction of sea surface dynamics from SWOT data. Associated preprints: arxiv link Associated code available from oceanix github
We've just posted online a new preprint co-authored with Lucas Drumetz and Francois Rousseau on the joint learning of variational models and associated solvers to address inverse problems (e.g., inpainting, denoising, space-time interpolation, data assimilation,...) pdf on Arxiv / Associated code on OceaniX github
We are pleased to call for applications for a CNES PhD position at IMT Atlantique (Brest, France) on Deep Learning for Space Oceanigraphy newly-funded MELODY project and AI chair OceaniX. More information in the proposed PhD position and the application procedure at: link
We are pleased to call for applications for a tenured position (Associate Professor) at IMT Atlantique (Brest, France) in the Signal & Communications Department. This position is opened in the context of the newly-funded AI chair OceaniX: